You saw various stages through which your process will pass, or in technical terms, various queues in which your transaction could sit in.

Now, you should also be aware of various entities connected to the work of Finance & Accounts Outsourcing / back office. We can broadly classify these in three segments – those at the client end, those at the supplier end and those at your end. An understanding of this will help you to identify key stake holders and roles / their definitions and responsibilities, which will be a key point for setting up your processes.

Client entities

  • Business Head
  • IT Head
  • Project Coordinator
  • Vendor Approver
  • Authorized Financial Approver
  • Exception Approver
  • Scan Room operator
  • Mail Dispatcher
  • Check Preparer
  • Check Dispatcher
  • Database Administrator
  • Purchase Authorizer
  • Material Receiver
  • Location In charge
  • Location Contact
  • Data Upload / Download Coordinator
  • Employee
  • Contractor
  • Service Provider
  • Shipping agency

Supplier entities

  • Business Head
  • IT Head / Coordinator
  • Invoice Raiser
  • Exception Approver
  • Invoice modifier
  • Material Dispatcher
  • Location In charge
  • Location Contact
  • Data Upload / Download Coordinator
  • Shipping Agency

Processor entities

  • Mail Room Receivers
  • Mail Room Batchers & sorters
  • Electronic Data Loaders
  • Scanning Operators
  • LotMakers
  • Data Entry Operators
  • Auditors
  • Quality Checkers
  • SQC Auditors
  • Exception Approvers
  • Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Check Processors
  • Check Auditors
  • ERP / Client System Uploaders
  • Business Managers
  • Data Mappers
  • Data Archives
  • Trainers
  • Customer Support Operators
  • Customer Calling Support Operators
  • Customer Support Managers
  • Client Coordinators
  • KA / DTL Coordinators
  • System Administrator
  • Database Administrator

Long list, isn’t it? Well it will help you identify the specifics applicable to your client.

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