Hi Folks,

Happy New Year.

OOOOH…. Outsourcing again !!!!!!

Well yes, this blog is on finance and accounts outsourcing. By this blog we wish to help and guide people working in the outsourcing world to help them deliver a better deliverable for their clients / principals. Though our blogging base will be finance and accounts outsourcing, however, the posts done by us can be used for a multitude of industries. This blog will guide people on various aspects of managing outsourcing processes, what to measure, how to build measurement systems, what to report, what to deliver, how to share the gains with your customers / clients, how to handle resources working for you and much more.

This will apply to various shared services / back office centers as well, captive or otherwise. This blog will also help outsourcing organizations to understand and demand from their providers a proper deliverable to the function outsourced, wherever in the world they outsource to or  move the function to a shared center.

Most of the blogs that currently exist on outsourcing are majorly surveys, showing what is happening in the outsourcing world.

I, the author, am a part of the finance and accounting outsourcing world, with years of experience both in transitioning and executing finance and accounts processes. I have seen and experienced all types of people who work in the industry, and have struggled to show the right way of doing things to them. I have strongly helped my subordinates to understand the fine line between function and operation.

I have worked with all types of clients, people who benefited from outsourcing, and those who had a strong anti-outsourcing element to their approach.

I hope that this helps all and I will welcome all your comments and questions. Besides sharing my knowledge on the subject, I will also reach out to other experts in the arena in a bid to answer your questions.

Previous Post:  https://faoblog.com/blog-finance-accounts-outsourcing/

Next Post:https://faoblog.com/outsource-2/