Particulars | IFRS | US GAAP | Indian GAAP |
Non-current assets held for sale or disposal group | Non current asset is classified as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. A non current asset classified as held for sale is measured at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Comparative balance sheet is not restated. | Similar to IFRS. | Similar to IFRS; however there is no requirement to classify and present an asset as held for sale on the face of the balance sheet or n the notes |
Leases- classification | A lease is a finance lease if substantially all risks and ( rewards of ownership are transferred. Substance rather than form is important. | Similar to IFRS, but with more extensive form-driven requirements | Similar to IFRS. |
Leases- lessor accounting | Amounts due under finance leases are recorded as a receivable. Gross earnings allocated to give constant rate of return based on (pre-tax) net investment method. | Similar to IFRS, but with specific rules for leveraged leases | Similar to IFRS. |
S&D – Assets – Part 2