We shared a query management workflow:


We had a reader query through a linked in group – he wanted an AP query management swim lane / process flow. This can be grabbed at:


Just a quick note here, most of the query management processes are very similar, you may need to customize it to your client’s business. The flows will be very similar, for AP, AR and other process components. Some customizations will be essential, and that will be your USP for your client. It will help demonstrate that you understand the client’s business and processes. Our posts can help you conceptualize your client’s requirements.

Dispute resolution:

Coming to dispute resolution, ideally, if you add one or more approval authorities to handle deviations and waivers, you have a dispute resolution workflow.

In a query handling, you are simply addressing a question / query, researching / referring to standard operating procedures and passing the required information to the person / entity raising the query.

For dispute resolution, you either need to have a set of people who are authorized to take some financial decisions or have an approval body at the client’s end, who will be authorized to provide solutions and approvals as required.

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