Particulars IFRS US GAAP  Indian GAAP
Employee benefits: Compensated absences It qualifies as short-term or other long term employee benefits. The expected cost of accumulating short-term compensated absences is recognised on an accrual basis. Liability for long- term compensated absences is measured using projected credit unit method No segregation between short term and long termThe expected cost of all the accumulating compensated absences is recognised on an accrual basis.
Discounting is permitted in rare circumstances.
With the adoption of  -AS 15 (revised), similar to IFRS.
Prior to AS 15 (revised) practice varies for accrual of compensated absences other than for leave 
Employee share compensation Expense for services purchased is recognised. Corresponding amount recorded either as a liability or an increase in equity, depending on whether transaction is determined to be cash- or equity-settled. Amount to be recorded is measured at fair value of shares or share options granted With the adoption of FAS 123R, similar model to IFRS.  Compensation expenses is generally recognised based on fair value of awards at grant date. Several areas of difference exist in application. In absence  of an accounting standard, SEBI provided certain basic guidelines  for public  listed companies. As per guidelines, compensation expense for stock options are recorded either based intrinsic value or fair value using the option pricing model; whereas for shares issued at discount at the discount value.
ICAI has issued a guidance note which requires measurement of cost based on fair value where the guidance is similar to IFRS; several areas of differences is detailed application. Alternatively, the guidance note allows use of the intrinsic value method.