Particulars | IFRS | US GAAP | Indian GAAP |
Definition of joint venture | Contractual arrangement whereby two or more parties undertake an economic activity, which is subject to joint control. Exclusion if investment is held-for-sale. | A corporation owned and operated by small group of businesses as a separate and specific business or project for the mutual benefit of the members of the group. | Similar to IFRS. Exclusion if it meets the definition of a subsidiary or exemptions similar to non-consolidation of subsidiaries |
Presentation of jointly controlled entities Joint ventures) | In consolidated financials: both proportional consolidation and equity method is permitted. | In consolidated financials: equity method is required except in specific circumstances. In standalone financials: at cost or equity method is used. |
In Consolidated financials: proportional consolidation is used In standalone financials: at cost less impairment. |
Employee share (stock) trusts | Consolidated where substance of relationship indicates control (SIC-12 model). Entity’s own shares held by an employee share trust are accounted for as treasury shares. | Similar to IFRS except where specific guidance applies for Employee Stock·’ Ownership Plans (ESOPs) in SOP 93-6. | Employee share trusts are not consolidated |
S&D – Consolidated financial statements – Part 3

thanks for sharing.