Did you see yesterday’s post by the Blog Master? Simple tips, but very powerful. You can re-visit at https://faoblog.com/tips-enhance-job-stability-faster-promotions/

Last post I talked of a relationship diagram. At a business level, we can map various business units. A sample for a media company is shown below (Click on Image for a larger view):

You can create this by function also.

Last post, I also articulated a list of stuff you should collect. You may not get everything, but the more you get, the better it is. In a very large number of cases, I have observed that the client / accounting department does not have the baseline data. They will give you the head count, volumes, the seasonality and approval matrices and then they will expect you to build up the rest.

The reasoning for this is that they have simply worked in their erstwhile department as just accounting folks, and not as a shared services center. And this is where you will bring in the difference. Think of this as a factory, where you break the tasks into smaller routine components and then get some fresh blood to get trained and execute the process. Since the work is getting outsourced, you need to sing about what you have done, so measurement and metrics will be critical. And then who is the expert? You, who else. So brace yourself up to the challenge.

You will need to measure virtually everything you can think of, time at each stage, idle time, all sorts of wait time, the time it takes for the outsourcer to respond, errors, their sources, types and much more.

I will return back to this after a couple of posts. Next time I will cover one key component – technology, a component which probably has contributed to the maximum number of failures.

Have a good weekend.